Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ben Hunts Andover Innovation Lab Project: Creating a Website

My name is Ben Hunt. I am a junior at Andover High School, and I'm really optimistic for the opportunities I will have with this class. My initial hope was to create some sort of project which would involve computer
science and graphic design. These were two classes I took last semester that I enjoyed. My goal was to create a project that would expand my knowledge in these fields and enjoy what I am doing.

I believe my plan is to create a website for a game. I hope that I can program this website as well as a game that I can put on the website. This seems like the best solution to hitting both of my fields of interest. Although I have taken similar classes, this will be a new experience for me. There will be a lot of research to be done before I begin the actual work. Despite the potential difficulties, I am very excited for this project.