Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ari's Experience at MassCUE: #freeswag

Last week the help desk took a trip to Gillete Stadium to attend MassCUE. Andrei wimped out of coming because he was worried about class work, and Adam didn't come for reasons unknown to me, so it was just me, Eli, Will, and Bryce. The bus ride to Gillete was long, but we had a lot of fun chatting during it, and we took a picture to send Andrei to show him what he was missing.

When we got there, we first had to find Mr. Downs, who had gotten lost. After we found him we were set up at two seperate tables, two students a table. I was paired with Will. Our job was to help people who came by with tech problems, though we were mostly asked for directions.

After our scheduled desk-manning time was up, we grouped back up and then went off to the buffet. They had free Hagan-dazz ice cream bars! Bryce had 3, plus a fruit popsicle. Next we went off to check out the booths, and picked up some free swag. We also played with some smart-table thing that made musical noises when you tapped the virtual instruments.

On the way back to Andover High, we played with our cool new mini sudoku machines. Hard mode was impossible without guessing, but easy mode was fine. Bryce couldn't even do easy mode, though. All in all, I had a lot of fun on my first field trip at Andover High, and I hope there are more trips to come.