Friday, December 20, 2013

Wiki Spaces Presentation at Wheelock College TSTT Conference

     It has been nearly a month when I began my first day at Andover High, and as I look forward to my two week break, I reflect on the time I spent working with Dan and the students on developing professional portfolio pieces in the field of technology. Between the flexible schedules, the presentation at Wheelock College, and the comfortable environment I work in, I can safely say I will not shudder the end of my two week break when the time comes. 

    As of right now, all three of our students will be developing their final projects over both the vacation and the first two weeks after they come back before the next semester. Eli is working on his app for the Android which he is moving on heavily, Viabav is continuing his progress on his Minecraft videos, and John is furthering his skills in code. With all of our students currently focused with interest on their projects, I am confident that they will work hard on their projects during their vacation.

     Here is a link to the program TSTT in Wheelock College, Boston. there I presented the importance of Google Doc's and how students can use them in a professional environment.


Why Minecraft is Useful for Teachers and Students / Viabhav

I had a lot of fun this month working with the new crew at the Andover Help Desk. Since the new Intern, Zachary, came in to provide a helping hand to Mr. Downs, things have been able to progress a lot more smoothly. The calls for help by teachers were decreasing this month, which is understandable due to the upcoming vacation. I started working on a few projects this month, teaching Mr. Downs Minecraft (he failed at it), making videos that explain why Minecraft is a good teaching tool, and brainstorming down ideas for my final project, which is going to be about developing a Minecraft mod, how much time it takes, and tutorials of a few codes that can help along the way. I think my project will inspire people to use Minecraft as a unique method of understanding design like it did for me.

My projects are mainly focused on Minecraft as I believe Minecraft gives people the potential to do anything. Minecraft has inspired people to learn about animations, coding, music, and even starting a business. Minecraft is not just a game but a huge learning tool for anyone with the passion to further their goals. Minecraft has changed many lives, including mine. I would've never known how to code or animate if I hadn't played Minecraft.

Learning Lua in the Andover Innovation LAB / Help Desk / John M.

Over the past month I have familiarized myself heavily with the programming language “Lua.” While it is mainly used for apps and video games, Lua can be used for a lot of other things. I go to the Help Desk multiple days a week for 45 minutes to work with Dan on understanding the world of Digital Design and computer programming. I have found some useful resources while at the Help Desk such as online compilers and tutorials. As of right now, I have 3 small projects due for the Help Desk before one big project.

            My first small project is to be completely fluent in Lua. I want to be able to read any Lua code and understand it thoroughly, as well as the ability to effectively write it. My second small project is to develop some tutorial videos (around three) to showcase what I have learned in Lua during my time at the Help Desk. My last small project I am currently deciding between making a mod for one of my favorite games “Garry’s Mod,” or create a medium sized program (more than 70 lines of code to make a game). My big project will to develop a video game of small or medium size.

            As this month was more focused on brainstorming, the next month will involve more coding and further brainstorming on projects to complete.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Preparing for Christmas Break and Things I Learned / Zach

    My second week at Andover High went even better than my first, between the progress we developed on the Wiki's for students as well a furthering our goals to push the students projects ahead of the curve, I couldn't have asked for a better week. During my second week, I was able to assist Instructor's with help on their Mac books, which is a great opportunity for them to know that I am here to help! 

    As I look forward to my third week at Andover High School; I keep an open mind in what type of work I am encouraged to do at the LAB Help Desk. During this week I have obtained several useful bits of information that would look very well on my resume, and I have no doubt I am going to be getting the most I can out of a solid internship. 

    When I entered week 3 of my time as an intern at Andover High, I was tasked with instructing students in the Library about the Hour of Code and how to effectively use coding languages like JavaScript or HTML to further their goals in an evolving technology based world.


My First Week At The Andover Innovation LAB & Help Desk

    The first week here at Andover High was certainly eventful in every way. When I first walked into the position, I did not have any notion of what to expect. It wasn't until I met Dan and some of the hard working students in the IT Help Desk that I realized I was in a for a good one year contract. Between the flexibility and the respect I obtain from others, working at the Andover Help Desk certainly does more than being a better job than pushing carts at retail stores in the snow.

    During the first week here, I worked mostly on the Google apps and helped Viabav, John, and Eli work on their projects as well as providing them feedback on their work at a college/professional level. Working with students is a lot of fun, especially when they are willing to learn about things I have went over during my time in college. Sometimes students need someone from a similar generation to their own to assist them in the new technology in our current age, such as the Google apps.

    Having graduated college with a Bachelor' degree and trying to familiarize myself with the professional atmosphere in the Multimedia world, working at a High School with Dan and the students is an excellent way for me to learn more about the field as well to to teach others. Over all, I'd day I enjoyed my first week at Andover High, and I can looking forward to what the rest of the year has to offer! 

Thank you for reading my blog entry,

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Benefits Of Creating Video Lectures & Screencasts-Andover High School Instructional Technology

In the beginning of the school year I had a teacher who is not going to be able to attend parents night but really wanted to connect with parents who came. Our solution for this problem was to have the teacher create a video lecture which contained all the major components of what he spoke about on parents night. The video lecture also contained a link to a public Google document which contained all the necessary forms that he wanted to get out to parents to know about. We then uploaded the video to YouTube which enable to another user to a play the video for what his parents showed up over the course of the evening.

This parents night experience was an interesting way to introduce the power of video lectures to a teacher. By learning how to screen cast lectures teachers can actually increase the amount of time that they have to do other lesson planning or introduction of key concepts to students. Video lectures do need some planning and should contain all the details that you want to have included in a regular lesson lecture. It is also important to require students to take notes and be prepared for a discussion.

It makes a huge difference how much time you spend practicing and preparing for the video lecture. A video lecture which is well-prepared and timed appropriately should include all the components that they would in a regular lesson but can also include links to web based surveys,documents or videos. A video lecture can be loaded with links or assessments which students can prepare for classroom sharing and communication. Performing a few practice run throughs will also improve the quality of your voice and detail to which you can talk about things.

The best part of video lectures is that the tools to make them are free and readily available on the web. My favorite tool for creating video lectures and presentations is Screen Cast O-Matic. I started off with the free version of the software and was very impressed and allowed me to create presentations videos which were 15 minutes in length. I was able to share them and also upload them to YouTube so that I always had a place that I can link them from what I share with my students more quickly. There is also a pro version of screen cast O-Matic for $15 a year. I recommend this version if you are really into adding text, editing your videos more concisely or longer recording time. The pro version also removes of the watermark on the screen that says Screen Cast O-Matic.

If you use the iPad your courses you're definitely going to want to check out an app called Educreations. This application allows you to record on your iPad screen and import images create text and do a variety of speaking over what is projected onto your iPad screen. I recommend this application especially if you work on the elementary level and have some key lessons with you continually use over and over again. If you do a great job of planning out your lessons that you want to show on educreations they could be a great resource for you and also for other teachers you can find them available on the web.

With the development of online classrooms using the flip classroom model I think you going to see more and more teachers using screen cast or video based lectures. This type of sharing of your lectures is great to share your work as well as enable students to have access to your lessons anywhere they go. YouTube is very friendly to uploading these lectures along with allowing you to tag them and make them easily searchable on the web. This feature makes it easy to use YouTube as a homepage for all your video lectures. On Youtube you can then tag them and organize them into playlists.

At Andover high school I have had several teachers create video lectures for their classrooms. video lectures can help increase engagement for students in and out of the classroom. Just remember that isn't it is important to prepare accordingly for how long your presentations going to be what content you want to cover. Also, have a strategy for how you're going to share these with your students quickly and easily. Think about linking them to existing course management systems or even just having a YouTube page where you can find them all.

Personally I like using videos as a form of assessment for student work. I love having the ability to have students sit down and create a voiceover showing the work they've created on the web. This could be how students present a PowerPoint show a website design or even discuss a particular talk it topic using other web based presentation formats. I feel that with screencasts students can talk clearly and concisely about what they want to create and can also show their deep knowledge of what they've been working on. It's also a great opportunity to have students add their personal voice to what they've created. I have included two links to video lectures that teachers have made in my school. If you're more interested in using it as an assessment tool feel free to visit my YouTube page where I have samples of videos in which rubrics are included. There are also videos which show specific components of the rubrics and videos in which students describe the process of completing a project.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Eli Gukovsky

Eli Gukovsky
Quote: "As you can see, I have memorized this utterly useless piece of information long enough to pass a test question. I now intend to forget it forever. You’ve taught me nothing except how to cynically manipulate the system. Congratulations." - Calvin (Bill Watterson)

Interests/Hobbies: Coding, Android ROMs, JavaScript, Television, Movies
Year in School: Sophomore
Software Knowledge: PowerDirector, Google services, Arch Linux, Chrome, AOSP (Android)
Why I joined Help Desk: I love software and messing around with it in general.
How I use technology in my free time: I have a pretty complex home theater setup, I code a bit, and I play video games.

My work: 
My other profiles: 

Not Tech Savvy??? Mr.Downs is Here!

A special thanks to the Warrior Weekly staff for writing up this article about my arrival in Andover.
I am here to help!

Not Tech Savvy??? Mr.Downs is Here!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Integrating Google Docs Into The French Foreign Language Classroom-Andover High School Instructional Technology

I recently had the opportunity to assist a French teacher with introducing Google Docs for creating a survey in his French classroom. Prior to me coming to his classroom and working with his students we discussed how we could use Google Docs so that students could share surveys that they create in French with each other more easily. The French teacher also wanted to streamline the process of having availability all of the surveys available on the web organized by class. This teacher was very open to the different possibilities of using Google Docs for integrating these surveys in his classroom.

Prior to me coming to his classroom the students typed up the surveys in Word document format. To assist this teacher I came into the classroom to coteach and show the students how to create a Google form and how to edit the different types of questions and explain how they had many options. Students learned how to create a form, change the name of the form as well as choose a template for the appearance. Even though I knew Google Docs to be very popular tool amongst high school students I was very surprised that many had not created a form before. The students did a great job working within the Google interface and the options for forms is very intuitive and allows them to choose the different types of questions(multiple choice,text,paragraph,checkboxes,choose from a list). Form questions also enable for adding help text to each question and also gave an options for whether or not the question was required or not.

One of the most interesting components of this lesson was teaching students how to add the accent to specific letters in the French language using the American keyboard. We used a webpage with the keyboard shortcuts on the board to assist students with what they needed to type in order to get the accent to show. Many students entered their survey questions in a very expedient way and successfully created their forms. I then was able to show them the live link in which they could then share their form with anyone. I had them copy their link and add it to a document in which I shared with them. Students enjoyed editing the document collaboratively and seeing live the addtion of each survey to the shared document. The final document had all of their surveys links and names on it. I shortened this link and made it so the French teacher could then share these surveys with another class in France to comlete so that the American students could review the responses.

The students in this class were now easily able to share their surveys with each other and were able to practice creating them using a tool which was intuitive and allowed them to create a variety of questions(multiple choice,text,paragraph,checkboxes,drop down,grid,choose from a list,scale). The sharing feature is valuable in that a variety of settings can be set once and editing by different people can be controlled. The person who created the form or anyone else can edit or not based on the settings. The form can be made available to the public or kept private. Google enables specific editing features for each document created.

The opportunity to use the language lab was a great benefit to this group of students. This lesson could be done in any computer lab or classroom which has internet access. Google Docs provides a great free way to create surveys or web-based forms in which you can collect data about a variety of subjects. It is very user-friendly and with just a few simple steps can be applied to almost any classroom. It can be used to help with assessment by creating test or quizzes or even in a flipped classroom model so that students can answer questions at home and then have a discussion about them when they get to school.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Andover Innovation Lab Student Experiencing Virtual Welding At MassCUE 2013!

Vaibhav Patel

Viabhav Patel

Favorite Quote - "A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it"

                                 - Rabindranath Tagore

Interests/Hobbies - 

         Minecraft, Break dancing, Eating different types of food, traveling, and coding

Year in School -


Software Knowledge -

         Cinema 4D, eclipse, Adobe software, Sony Vegas, and Microsoft Office.

Why I joined Help Desk -

I love technology and playing around with it

How I use technology in my free time -

I play video games and code

My work -

College preference -

         MIT, Harvard, Yale and Wentworth Institute of Technology

Student Profiles

Want to know some of the most motivated and tech savvy students around. Check out these links to our student profiles and see what makes them tick.......

Viabhav Patel

An Introduction To Net Texts Online/Flipped Classroom Learning Platfrom

The uniqueness of Net Texts is the ease of applying outside content to the organization of units or lessons online. Net Texts enables students and teachers to work from one portal and simplifies the process for teachers who want to work from one device or are part of a district 1:1 implementation. Net Texts has integrated a variety of different tools from the web such as Khan Academy,CK-12 and made these resources easily searchable for teachers. The interface allows for adding content in an organized efficient ways and streamlines the process of adding videos,lectures and course documents and assessments in purposeful and meaning full ways online. Teachers have access to existing web based course collections as well as the opportunity to design the course from the bottom up using resources collated from the web.

The Net Texts students view on devices(Android,Ipad application) is organized and clearly outlines the course content,videos and documents. Teachers can receive emailed spreadsheets of student results in their portal as well. Like many current note taking applications Net Texts interfaces are consistent between devices and enables students to quickly add notes and find course materials efficiently.

Net Texts is ideal for districts looking for a singular interface for students to interact with course content and also streamlines how teachers organize online content. This tool is ideal for balancing the learning curve for teachers in creating a flipped classroom mode and enables sharing,content management and specific subject area materials. This tool is even more beneficial for teachers who truly know how they want to organize their flipped model and can draw their course materials from previous materials(speadsheets,docs,pdf) and have a strong plan for the organization of lessons and what resources will be necessary to teach a lesson and keep it aligned as they move forward. Newer teachers would want to plant specifically around the content they may want for their course before they fully committed to designing the course. 

The application has a main dashboard which allows teachers to mange what content and what web based materials support the flipped classroom instruction. Different flipped models could be used with this tool as well and instruction could be based on singular components of media being assigned for homework and then viewed in class or a teacher could develop a hybrid based on the accessibility of tablets or computers for student access and use Net texts as tool to assit in connecting to specific material.

Ultimately it is still up to the teacher to create the collaboration this tool would bring to the classroom. Teachers need to find resources which support their instruction or have additional professional development which supports them in creating screencast videos or managing a variety of web based documents such as pdf's,images and docs. 

Net texts supports the integration of OER resources(open education resources) in order to help organize teachers in developing content and choose sources. Some of these source which can benefit a Net Texts users are CK-12 for the sciences,,Khan Academy and the OER Commons located at . Net texts is looking to assist in applying these resources to their platform as quickly as possible to assist in integration of their platform.

One of the largest  benefits for this platform is the ever evolving development of trusted web based materials which teachers can search and utilize quickly to develop a new course or assist a teacher created lesson.  After attending a training with the Net Texts Marketing staff I could recognize their commitment to embracing the use of the Creative Commons and building in this important component into their tool. Their staff highlighted in their presentation several videos and engaged in rich discussion about this feature. I have included links to this information as well as Net Texts youtube video.
Mowhawk Video video on Creative Commons
Net Texts 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mini-Session: Mac Basics 1 11/19 & 11/21

Mini-Session: Mac Basics 1:  11/19 & 11/21

Browsers: What are they and why do we use different ones?

  • What it is and what it is not. Great Video from Google.

  • Safari:Browser that comes on the Mac
(looks like a compass)
By moving through the top bar of the browser you will recognize how to bookmark webpages,reduce windows,open new windows and manage new tabs.
  • Located in the Dock (bottom row of icons) & Launchpad(Rocket Ship-future session)
  • Explore Under “File”
New Window-Close Window-Close All Windows
New Tab/Close Tab
Open File
Save As
Import/Export Bookmarks(html file)
  • Edit-Primiarily Used For Copy & Paste(spelling & grammar checker)  
  • View-Allows you to adjust views in Safari(important if you get seeing extra things you may not want or maybe you do?)
  • History-Shows tops sites and all history.
  • Bookmarks(add them,create folder,add to reading list)
  • Window(allows you to zoom and minimize)
Chrome:Google’s Browser
  • Good for using Google Tools or Applications(Youtube,Google Docs etc.) Google owns a variety of companies and their products function better on the chrome browser.
  • Many of the same features as Safari with more options for addtional applications(Google Web Apps)
  • Works prmarily in a tab based format.
  • Downloads appear at bottom left of screen and in download folder on your computer.
  • Organizes Bookmarks across top of screen.
  • Needs to be downloaded from self service(to be discussed in future sessions).

Finding & Organizing Files On Your Computer
One of the best ways to find files on your computer is to search for them by     name or file type using the “search magnifying glass”.
  • Using the search light(magnifying glass in the top right of your computer)
  • Recognizing File Types and locations to help search for documents.
Common file type extensions:
.doc    (what’s the difference between .doc & .docx)
.jpg     Image File(Joint Photographic Expert Group)
.txt      Text File(From text editor)
.png   Reduced Size Image File(on websites for faster loading)
.pdf   Portable Document Format
.ppt (or .pptx) Powerpoint File
.mp3   Sound/Audio  File
.wav   Sound/Audio File
.mp4  Video File

Saving Files: Saving To Different Parts Of Your Computer
(the good and the bad)
  • Saving To The Desktop(File>Save As>Desktop) Will be lost if you have issue with computer.
  • Saving to Faculty Drive On Shared User Drive(Drive which shows on desktop when connected to network,cannot access at home,drag and drop files into your folder,it has your name on it).
  • Saving to My Documents (File>Save As> Documents) View other options available.
How To Download Files & Retrieve Them
          How do I find files that I know I have chosen to download?
  • Look in the top right of your safari browser window. You will see a small square with a circle with a arrow pointing down. This is where your downloads are. When you click on this a list of your downloads should appear. You can the click on them to choose to “open” or drag and drop them to your desktop.
  • Your downloads can also be seen in the “downloads” folder in the safari browser. Go to the   “finder(smiley face) on the “dock” the area along the botton and open.  Along the left side you will see a list of locations choose the “downloads” and your files should be inside.
Optional Activities:
1.Opening a new word document and save it to your documents. For another challenge move it to the faculty drive.
2.Finding a .jpg image on your computer.
3. Go to the link

Choose the first Sanborn Weekly Article & Click On It>>>Locate this download on your computer.

4.Add a bookmark to your favorite website.

5.View the the last 10 websites you visited using Safari(Where do you need to go?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What Is The Andover Innovation Lab?

What Are We About!

The Andover Innovation Lab is a unique opportunity for students who wish to develop their own independent technology driven project. Students have the opportunity to come to the Innovation Lab and create a proposal for a self driven project. Students are also mentored and supported by experienced technology educators who can assist them at finding the resources and tools to complete their projects and create real world experiences. This includes reaching out and making real world connections for potential internship experiences,professional connections and personal growth.

If you are a student in Andover High School or you know a student who would benefit from the great benefits of a personalized,self directed and technology rich experience let them know about this opportunity. The students participating in the Innovation Lab also serve as the first line of support for the student run help desk. Students can expand knowledge in the areas of networking,hardware and also troubleshooting technical issues.

Potential Independent Projects Include:

  • Developing A Mobile Application or Web Based Application
  • Creating A Website Or Blog For A Business or Personal Interest
  • Developing  A Game or Multimedia Project
  • Developing A Network Design Plan
  • Building Computers or Studying Hardare
  • Learning More About Social Media & Professional Networking
  • Using Lab Time To Work On The Technology Centered Components of Another School Projec

Follow Us @AndoverTechTeam on Twitter

Hello All,
Be sure to follow us on twitter at the username
@andovertechteam !

Visit our twitter for current updates on student projects,news,educational technology information
and tutorial videos.

A great place to make cool technology connections!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

About Us-Course Descriptions & Pathways

Course Description 
The Student Technology Integration course is a hands on study of technology integration in an educational context. Students will be required to assess problem sets throughout the day and define the best approach to addressing or solving the problem. In addition to solving problems for students and teachers, students will be required to complete and maintain several running projects that address problems or solutions in educational technology integration. The course also asks students to have a prior understanding of Apple OS, Microsoft Windows OS, and the iPad iOS. 
Welcome to APS Help Desk. This course will examine various problems and needs throughout Andover High School. This semester, we will not be waiting around for problems to come to us, we will be finding them and addressing them.
During the course semester students will not only be helping, but creating, curating, and organizing information and content for the faculty and students. This may come in the form of a blog that students manage for a department. Students may be building an iBook resource companion for one of their teachers. Students also may be building a set of instructional videos and books for the school to use. This course will elicit and require skills that are relevant to most professions.
Help Desk Opportunities for Faculty and Staff
1. Help Desk Tutorials
During the second semester teachers can schedule time during their free periods and come down to help desk for a one-on-one tutorial. This can be on a specific application that there want to learn more about or just an overview of the iPad or computer. Teachers will be matched with a help desk student. You can sign up for help desk tutorials here. This feature is also open to students. If teachers would like your class to learn how to use an application before starting a project, the help desk can assist with this as well.
2. Share and Connect (Primarily for the teachers, but you may be asked to help with organizing and teaching this platform) I want to start highlighting the amazing work you and your students have been doing over the past semester on our blog. If you have a lesson that you designed that you are proud of along with student work that came out of that project, please share a short write up of the lesson and links to any student work.
3. In class assistance
If you would like help desk students to help with a lesson or setup equipment for a lesson you are conducting in class you can sign up for that time here. This student will be scheduled to meet with you during your period for as long as you need him or her.
4.Help Desk on Twitter
If you are using the Twitter you can now access help desk by using the hashtag #APShelpdesk This will give us a quick method of responding to your issue immediately.

5. The APS Resource Wiki (Primarily for the teachers, but you may be asked to help with organizing and teaching this platform)
Think of it as a digital, communal file cabinet.
Help Desk Pathways
Bloggers will be responsible for authoring and maintaining a blog for departments, teachers, and help desk. We will be creating a comprehensive student help desk blog that must be updated daily. Each day there should be new content populating on the site, therefore you will need to find and create information to post. This can come in the form of a weekly podcast, interviews, original posts, and reaction posts to current events regarding technology, or short documentaries that you create on specific subjects. Regardless of the subject, this site should be flourishing with new content each day.

APS Tech Squad trainers
The Tech Squad Trainers will be responsible for deconstructing daily problems with the technology at the school. This job will require an expertise in a variety of applications or the willingness to learn new application. Also, this path of the course will require competency in Apple iLife and iWork programs (iPhoto, iMovie, Pages, Numbers, etc.). Participants will be giving one-on-one tutorials to teachers, staff and students. Also, you may be required to enter a classroom and present an overview of an application before the teacher uses it with his or her class. When you are not training, you will be putting together tutorial videos, scripts, and iBooks.
App Developer Course
The App Developer course will be the most challenging section of the course, but potentially, the most rewarding. Participants will be taking the Stanford University iPad and iPhone App developer course via their iPad and iTunesU. This course will be very challenging and time consuming. Plus, you should already have an understanding of some programming but it is not required.
Choose your own adventure
You also have the opportunity to propose a pathway for second semester. In your proposal you must define your goals, objectives, resources needed, and hurdles you may encounter along the way. I would also like you to detail the impact you expect your pathway to have on Andover High School.
Tasks and Assignments
Help Desk Journal
Regardless of the course path you choose, you will document your productivity each day via a Google Doc journal. At the end of each class or each night you will post your progress for the day. Note, that I will view the timestamp for each daily post, so this is not something you should cram together Friday afternoon. Also, this is not simply busy work, but a running dialogue of your help desk progress. On occasion, I will not be in class and helping with a problem so you must maintain productivity and transparency.
Each post should include what you accomplished for the day, who you helped, or what you learned. Depending on which path you take and what you accomplish for the day your post may come in the form of a link, video, or a brief blurb. It could also come in the form of a problem you are having and your attempt to reconcile that problem. Also, there may be a point in the course where you feel that you have to do some work or study quickly for a test. This is fine on occasion, but do not turn help desk into a study hall. If you abuse this opportunity, your grade will suffer.
Help Desk Meetings
We will conduct Monday and Friday meetings to check in on how things are going. Most of the time you will be working independently throughout this course so this will be our time to check in with each other and address any questions.
Participation 50% – Daily work, G-Doc journal, feedback
Content 50% – What you produce – blog, tutorials, app, videos, podcasts