Monday, June 8, 2015

June 9th. Really. Wow 0_o. I remember when it was snowy, at the end of January, the week after finals and I was extremely excited for this class, where I knew that I would have an amazing
opportunity to learn more about programming, and to work on projects which I would normally complete entirely outside of school.

After 4 1/2 months of this class, I am happy to say that this class totally met all of my expectations. I really appreciated the chance to get done many things I normally didn't have time for,
and even better, for SCHOOL CREDIT. This literally blew my mind. Two years ago I didn't think that this class even existed.

While I didn't necessarily get done everything that I had planned to get done, I learned amazing skills. From learning F#, a real world programming language which was marked as the 6th most
loved programming language on the 2015 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, to Haxe, a powerful language for writing applications which can compile to multiple target platforms. Along the way
I learned a lot of things which literally changed the way that I think about programming. For example, up until March I not only thought that circular dependencies were acceptable style for programming,
I thought that it was considered good style :3. Another thing I learned when following a tutorial for HaxeFlixel was that CSV files, which is a plain text file containing elements separated by commas, can be read by Excel, allowing for an astonishingly easy way of generating a Excel file. This was EXTREMELY useful for a project I am working on in my Computer Science class, where I needed to generate a log which was easily readable. I thought that a file in Excel was more readable than a plain-text file (although I still really like plain-text files), and as a result, I used it, and the log looks MUCH more professional than it would have had I used a plain-text file.

In my final presentation I will mention all of this and more, I will try to focus on how my style of programming, and project development strategies have changed as a result of taking this class.
Overall, most of the things I wrote above are barely scratching the surface of the stuff that I did, and the things I learned. I would totally recommend this class to anyone interested in using in-school time
to work on independent projects.

Here is some pretty pictures I will talk about in my final presentation.
World Map

Dynamic Pathfinding

Moving Rectangle