Friday, December 20, 2013

Wiki Spaces Presentation at Wheelock College TSTT Conference

     It has been nearly a month when I began my first day at Andover High, and as I look forward to my two week break, I reflect on the time I spent working with Dan and the students on developing professional portfolio pieces in the field of technology. Between the flexible schedules, the presentation at Wheelock College, and the comfortable environment I work in, I can safely say I will not shudder the end of my two week break when the time comes. 

    As of right now, all three of our students will be developing their final projects over both the vacation and the first two weeks after they come back before the next semester. Eli is working on his app for the Android which he is moving on heavily, Viabav is continuing his progress on his Minecraft videos, and John is furthering his skills in code. With all of our students currently focused with interest on their projects, I am confident that they will work hard on their projects during their vacation.

     Here is a link to the program TSTT in Wheelock College, Boston. there I presented the importance of Google Doc's and how students can use them in a professional environment.


Why Minecraft is Useful for Teachers and Students / Viabhav

I had a lot of fun this month working with the new crew at the Andover Help Desk. Since the new Intern, Zachary, came in to provide a helping hand to Mr. Downs, things have been able to progress a lot more smoothly. The calls for help by teachers were decreasing this month, which is understandable due to the upcoming vacation. I started working on a few projects this month, teaching Mr. Downs Minecraft (he failed at it), making videos that explain why Minecraft is a good teaching tool, and brainstorming down ideas for my final project, which is going to be about developing a Minecraft mod, how much time it takes, and tutorials of a few codes that can help along the way. I think my project will inspire people to use Minecraft as a unique method of understanding design like it did for me.

My projects are mainly focused on Minecraft as I believe Minecraft gives people the potential to do anything. Minecraft has inspired people to learn about animations, coding, music, and even starting a business. Minecraft is not just a game but a huge learning tool for anyone with the passion to further their goals. Minecraft has changed many lives, including mine. I would've never known how to code or animate if I hadn't played Minecraft.

Learning Lua in the Andover Innovation LAB / Help Desk / John M.

Over the past month I have familiarized myself heavily with the programming language “Lua.” While it is mainly used for apps and video games, Lua can be used for a lot of other things. I go to the Help Desk multiple days a week for 45 minutes to work with Dan on understanding the world of Digital Design and computer programming. I have found some useful resources while at the Help Desk such as online compilers and tutorials. As of right now, I have 3 small projects due for the Help Desk before one big project.

            My first small project is to be completely fluent in Lua. I want to be able to read any Lua code and understand it thoroughly, as well as the ability to effectively write it. My second small project is to develop some tutorial videos (around three) to showcase what I have learned in Lua during my time at the Help Desk. My last small project I am currently deciding between making a mod for one of my favorite games “Garry’s Mod,” or create a medium sized program (more than 70 lines of code to make a game). My big project will to develop a video game of small or medium size.

            As this month was more focused on brainstorming, the next month will involve more coding and further brainstorming on projects to complete.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Preparing for Christmas Break and Things I Learned / Zach

    My second week at Andover High went even better than my first, between the progress we developed on the Wiki's for students as well a furthering our goals to push the students projects ahead of the curve, I couldn't have asked for a better week. During my second week, I was able to assist Instructor's with help on their Mac books, which is a great opportunity for them to know that I am here to help! 

    As I look forward to my third week at Andover High School; I keep an open mind in what type of work I am encouraged to do at the LAB Help Desk. During this week I have obtained several useful bits of information that would look very well on my resume, and I have no doubt I am going to be getting the most I can out of a solid internship. 

    When I entered week 3 of my time as an intern at Andover High, I was tasked with instructing students in the Library about the Hour of Code and how to effectively use coding languages like JavaScript or HTML to further their goals in an evolving technology based world.


My First Week At The Andover Innovation LAB & Help Desk

    The first week here at Andover High was certainly eventful in every way. When I first walked into the position, I did not have any notion of what to expect. It wasn't until I met Dan and some of the hard working students in the IT Help Desk that I realized I was in a for a good one year contract. Between the flexibility and the respect I obtain from others, working at the Andover Help Desk certainly does more than being a better job than pushing carts at retail stores in the snow.

    During the first week here, I worked mostly on the Google apps and helped Viabav, John, and Eli work on their projects as well as providing them feedback on their work at a college/professional level. Working with students is a lot of fun, especially when they are willing to learn about things I have went over during my time in college. Sometimes students need someone from a similar generation to their own to assist them in the new technology in our current age, such as the Google apps.

    Having graduated college with a Bachelor' degree and trying to familiarize myself with the professional atmosphere in the Multimedia world, working at a High School with Dan and the students is an excellent way for me to learn more about the field as well to to teach others. Over all, I'd day I enjoyed my first week at Andover High, and I can looking forward to what the rest of the year has to offer! 

Thank you for reading my blog entry,