The first week here at Andover High was certainly eventful in every way. When I first walked into the position, I did not have any notion of what to expect. It wasn't until I met Dan and some of the hard working students in the IT Help Desk that I realized I was in a for a good one year contract. Between the flexibility and the respect I obtain from others, working at the Andover Help Desk certainly does more than being a better job than pushing carts at retail stores in the snow.
During the first week here, I worked mostly on the Google apps and helped Viabav, John, and Eli work on their projects as well as providing them feedback on their work at a college/professional level. Working with students is a lot of fun, especially when they are willing to learn about things I have went over during my time in college. Sometimes students need someone from a similar generation to their own to assist them in the new technology in our current age, such as the Google apps.
Having graduated college with a Bachelor' degree and trying to familiarize myself with the professional atmosphere in the Multimedia world, working at a High School with Dan and the students is an excellent way for me to learn more about the field as well to to teach others. Over all, I'd day I enjoyed my first week at Andover High, and I can looking forward to what the rest of the year has to offer!
Thank you for reading my blog entry,
Thank you for reading my blog entry,