Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Max Blog Post for the Month of March

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 6, 2014, 1.19.27 PM.pngSo far at the technology help desk, I have gained a lot of knowledge about programming in Xcode. I have been able to program a basic to-do list mobile application. The app displays a list of to-do items and allows you to check them off when you complete them. You can also add items to the to-do list. To build the app, I watched a video tutorial on programming in Objective-C, which iOS apps are written in, and I followed the tutorial on Apple’s website for beginning iOS programming.

Moving forward, I hope to make other simple apps that utilize different aspects of iOS apps. Next I will work on an app that has more programming in it. My to-do list app had very minimal code, so I think that I will next make a calculator app. After that, I think that I will make an app that utilizes some of the phones hardware such as gps or Bluetooth.
