Browsers: What are they and why do we use different ones?
- What it is and what it is not. Great Video from Google.
- Safari:Browser that comes on the Mac
(looks like a compass)
By moving through the top bar of the browser you will recognize how to bookmark webpages,reduce windows,open new windows and manage new tabs.
- Located in the Dock (bottom row of icons) & Launchpad(Rocket Ship-future session)
- Explore Under “File”
New Window-Close Window-Close All Windows
New Tab/Close Tab
Open File
Save As
Import/Export Bookmarks(html file)
- Edit-Primiarily Used For Copy & Paste(spelling & grammar checker)
- View-Allows you to adjust views in Safari(important if you get seeing extra things you may not want or maybe you do?)
- History-Shows tops sites and all history.
- Bookmarks(add them,create folder,add to reading list)
- Window(allows you to zoom and minimize)
Chrome:Google’s Browser
- Good for using Google Tools or Applications(Youtube,Google Docs etc.) Google owns a variety of companies and their products function better on the chrome browser.
- Many of the same features as Safari with more options for addtional applications(Google Web Apps)
- Works prmarily in a tab based format.
- Downloads appear at bottom left of screen and in download folder on your computer.
- Organizes Bookmarks across top of screen.
- Needs to be downloaded from self service(to be discussed in future sessions).
Finding & Organizing Files On Your Computer
One of the best ways to find files on your computer is to search for them by name or file type using the “search magnifying glass”.
- Using the search light(magnifying glass in the top right of your computer)
- Recognizing File Types and locations to help search for documents.
Common file type extensions:
.doc (what’s the difference between .doc & .docx)
.jpg Image File(Joint Photographic Expert Group)
.txt Text File(From text editor)
.png Reduced Size Image File(on websites for faster loading)
.pdf Portable Document Format
.ppt (or .pptx) Powerpoint File
.mp3 Sound/Audio File
.wav Sound/Audio File
.mp4 Video File
Saving Files: Saving To Different Parts Of Your Computer
(the good and the bad)
- Saving To The Desktop(File>Save As>Desktop) Will be lost if you have issue with computer.
- Saving to Faculty Drive On Shared User Drive(Drive which shows on desktop when connected to network,cannot access at home,drag and drop files into your folder,it has your name on it).
- Saving to My Documents (File>Save As> Documents) View other options available.
How To Download Files & Retrieve Them
How do I find files that I know I have chosen to download?
- Look in the top right of your safari browser window. You will see a small square with a circle with a arrow pointing down. This is where your downloads are. When you click on this a list of your downloads should appear. You can the click on them to choose to “open” or drag and drop them to your desktop.
- Your downloads can also be seen in the “downloads” folder in the safari browser. Go to the “finder(smiley face) on the “dock” the area along the botton and open. Along the left side you will see a list of locations choose the “downloads” and your files should be inside.
Optional Activities:
1.Opening a new word document and save it to your documents. For another challenge move it to the faculty drive.
2.Finding a .jpg image on your computer.
3. Go to the link
Choose the first Sanborn Weekly Article & Click On It>>>Locate this download on your computer.
4.Add a bookmark to your favorite website.
5.View the the last 10 websites you visited using Safari(Where do you need to go?