Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In Regards to My Project

I have mainly researched Java and programming in general for my project. By programming I mean certain syntaxes of Java and the process in which code is thought of, written, compiled, and executed. My blogs have centered around technology in general and how my project is working. The kinds of technology I write about and use is encompassed by both hardware and software, such as my Macbook Pro for all my tasks, Netbeans 8.0.1 paired with Java 8 to write and run code, along with a powerpoint presentation that is going to accompany my code in the final presentation. This presentation will consist of how my code works, what my program does, how I made the program, an interactive demonstration.

I started developing late last year (around December when the project itself was assigned for the class), and decided it because I wanted to make a game for my final in Intro to Java. After much thinking about how I could practically implement a game into java without plagiarizing, I thought of hangman. So I started developing it by making the basics (how blank spaces would be shown, how letters would be entered, how letters would replace the spaces, etc.). I have continued to develop it throughout this course and have made improvements gradually.
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A snippet of code of how a pregenerated word is chosen for the program

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How the program looks in the IDE output window

Design Thinking for Education

The process I will be using for this project is the Design Thinking for Education. This process applies discovery, interpretation, ideation, experimentation, and evolution. This is the best process for my project because I am working with fashion trends. Discovery is my first step because I have to first experience the fashion trends, and then must gather my thoughts and opinions on them. And once I’ve completed those two steps, I can make a list of what I want to include in my website and on my blog. By taking those trends and my opinions, I can make a video and this will be extremely helpful; giving me feedback with the amount of views I get, and if the videos are relatable enough for the viewers. And once I gather the feedback, I can change or keep parts of my project.This will make my project strong, interesting, and captivate my views.
I also feel that the Design Thinking for Education is perfect for high school classrooms because it gives the students an opportunity to give feedback to their teachers. It gives them a little more power to how they learn and if the way of learning is helpful.
Experimentation and Evolution are the most essential components of this process. These processes give the most helpful feedback and gives the teacher or creator of project the space to make their own changes and add on’s.
This process can be apart of my future work environments because it allows everyone in the work environment to have a voice and apply their opinions and their views.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Technology In My Life

I take after my father when it comes to technology…I love it. I think it is a big part of the lives of many today and and in this day and age, it has brought about incredible advances and innovations throughout humanity. My love of technology lies in computers, gaming, and other devices like phones, entertainment systems and so on. I spend a lot of time working with computers, learning about how they work, parts and what there model numbers mean, programming, and gaming. I learn a lot from my dad who knows computers better than anyone I have ever met. Since a good portion of my time is spent with computers and other devices, it has a big role in my life. I love working with them and I hope to make a career out of hardware, software, or both in the future.
For years, I have dreamed of owning my own business and producing software and hardware (more so software as companies like Apple, Samsung, and Intel have taken over the hardware industry). My father owns a software business and I hope to one day possibly assume the CEO position at the company when he retires, or build a company of my own. I plan on going to school and getting a degree in both business and computer science. It has been my passion and desire for a long time to make a career working with computers and other devices, and I continue to learn more and more every day.

  I have a very broad range of skills when it comes to technology. I am not an expert at anything (as I haven't even lived long enough to gain the skills to be considered an expert), but I am good at a lot of different things. I have always been able to solve problems with computers and phones, whether it was in the field of programming, or other problems such as problems with hard drives or files on computers and many other miscellaneous things. Aside from my dad, I am always fixing things for people in my family and teaching them how to use different devices. I have enough knowledge that I can usually solve and fix problems most problems with computers when they arise and I hope that one day I will be able to consider myself an expert in the field of computer science. 

paintComponent() is NOT the MVP of a game of Catch.

The paint() method is hard. Actually, that's wrong--paint() is dead, it is now paintComponent() that tortures me. My sad story began several weeks ago, when I was feeling good because I had figured out how to make a slider that could change the size of the shapes displayed by my program.
The next step was the last, I told myself. I thought I was on the verge of reaching the pinnacle... but I was wrong. I thought all I had to do was pass the Graphics() object back and forth a bit, as if I was playing a game of catch, but paintComponent() disagreed.

Much like an overweight child refusing to go outside when his father asked him if he wanted to toss a ball for a bit, paintComponent rebuked my every attempt to throw around the Graphics() object, and it stymied my progress with its devilish lack of error messages. If it had returned errors, at least I would have been able to see where and what went wrong. But no... instead, I was left in the shade, grasping for a solution before the curtains completely closed and shut out all light. If you learn nothing else from me, at least learn this: He who paints graphics should look to it himself that he does not become painted; and when you gaze long at a method the method also gazes at you.

About me Arthur Yee

Hi! I am Arthur Yee. I’m a junior, and I am not very well-versed with technology. I barely know how to make a website, and Intro to Java hasn’t really begun to ramp up yet, so I am rather behind some of my peers for example Noah, Ian, Dan, Ari, Eli, Taha, and the like. I don’t play video games, pretty hard to believe right? I like the outdoors, science, and just about anything related to the military. Today’s generation is super advanced technology-wise, but I think this luxury of instant virtual gratification is taking us too far from the basics. What happens when the power goes out? Will people still know how to get things done without power, like they did way back when?

So about my project. I will be conducting research, using my own (rather limited) expertise, and factoring in any preexisting biases I have in order to outfit the entirety of the armed forces of a currently undecided country. Now if this country were rich then my project would be too easy. Thus I will be choosing a third-world country with a somewhat low average GDP, little military expenditure, and few domestic resources. I will have to take into account cost, capability, availability, and simplicity of the equipment; terrain and climate to distribute this equipment for maximum effectiveness; and ability to support, maintain, and resupply units using this hardware. In short, I will be getting the most bang for the buck.

Individual equipment will consist of: uniforms, small arms, communications equipment, load bearing equipment, rucks, body armor, and protective wear.
Wheeled vehicles will consist of: light and medium utility vehicles, cargo trucks, up-armored vehicles, and light armored vehicles.
Tracked vehicles will consist of: armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, light tanks, main battle tanks, and self-propelled guns.
Fixed position equipment will consist of: crew-served weapons, artillery pieces, radar,

No, I am not a crazed warmonger or an expert in the field of logistics by any means; I do not advocate for death at all, and I should not be consulted as an authority on how to go about doing so. This is just a thought experiment regarding the improvement and upkeep of a certain part of a country’s infrastructure that I am deeply interested in. Other than that I hope my project isn’t too simple, and if it turns out to be then I will add some stipulations along the way to create more challenges to overcome. Pretty much everyone else in this class is doing something with coding or programming, and I have been trying to figure that out myself, taking Web Design and Intro to Java. However at the moment I am still a novice and would not ever consider undertaking a project of that nature without the help of Mr. Messina or Mrs. DiBenedetto.

Well that’s all for now. I think I’ll get started now, and post more later on down the road.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

About Me, 4 Questions - Noah Mezher

  1. Where do my interests lie with technology?
Mainly in programming, hardware, and networking. I took a Java class last semester so that helped with reinforcing my knowledge of the language. I also got recommended for AP Java from the teacher of that class so I will definitely take the course so I can go into college knowing about the code before I take any more classes about programming in college. For hardware, when I was at the robotics club I helped build the robots along with getting the technology working with them. I also built a computer out of a bunch of parts I ordered a few years ago. With networking I don’t know much about it but I hope I can take a few courses on it in college or through the web development class in this high school. It is definitely a field I am interested in learning about.Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.42.00 AM.png

Snippet of code from my final Java project

2.   What is it’s role in my life?

I spend most of my time either playing video games or on my computer. I’d say it plays a big part in my life since I am influenced by it all the time. Connecting with people through technology has given me the incentive to learn about how computers work, and has intrigued me ever since. I started playing video games at a very young age, along with working on computers, and have always been very eager to learn about them. My life basically revolves around technology.

3.   How much of a role will it play in my career choice?

I am looking to go for a Computer Science degree so it will almost encompass my whole college life. It is already impacting me in the classes I take in high school. As I said before, I have taken Computer Science and will take AP Computer Science, along with the follow up to the web design course next year, and I couldn't be more excited.

4.   What are my skills when it relates to technology?

Google. Seriously, people underutilize this search engine. I  know everything about computers and coding from almost exclusively looking it up on the internet. Whenever people have a question about technology or need my help I first go to Google to see if there is a guide to fix the problem they are having. Especially if an error code is given, then the troubleshooting gets really easy. I can do almost anything as long as there is a guide to it on the internet.

Google, the search engine that I use to solve all my problemsScreen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.45.39 AM.png

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Moving Rectangles

At my last blog, I knew in a general sense how to make programs in F#, however, I definitely didn't know enough to make a large application (written in a functional style) with it. However, after doing A LOT of research, I believe I am at the point where I can sit down and write my application.

Outside of school I made a small game prototype, overall the goal was to get familiar with using Monogame, and learn more about F# syntax. I believe it was a success, while making the game I learned a lot, both from what went well, and from what I will need to invest more time in to research for my final project. One of the big things I learned I need to do more work with is Fonts.

Anyway, now to show you what the current state of my application is
My game is currently just a tech demo. Its a rectangle you can rotate, and translate around on the screen using arrow keys and WASD keys. This past week at the help desk I focused on figuring out how to render a rotated image onto the screen. This took longer than I expected because I didn't think that the monogame documentation is helpful in understanding how drawing works. I ended up looking at the Xna* documentation for the class I am looking for and that helped to clear up my confusion. I didn't look at the Xna documentation for the longest time because I thought that the Xna and Monogame interfaces may be different, however, in retrospect since Monogame is designed to be closely related to Xna I don't think that there is many significant differences in the interface with which an application communicates with the Monogame framework vs. the Xna framework.

Things which I will do in the next few weeks:
1. Physics -- I really need to start figuring out how collision detection will work in the game. This is a really large part of my project so I need to get started ASAP. I have high hopes for it right now though, I have been thinking about how I should go about getting it to work and I now have an idea about how to implement it.
2. Fonts -- In order to render text onto the screen you need a font, I have been looking around about how to make fonts in the last few days but I still need to do a lot of research in order to know how to fully implement it.
3. Particles -- I have never really made particles, but they are a quintessential part of any game with great graphics.

*Monogame is an open-source implementation of Microsoft's Xna framework

Monday, April 6, 2015

Lauren's Project

I am currently creating and organizing my website. I watched this tutorial video on how to make basic edits on my website because I am not familiar with google sites nor website making. I also viewed a fashion website that provided 5 helpful tips to creating your own fashion website. It said what to do, how to make it unique to your style, and how to organize it and captivate your viewers.
After watching the videos and viewing websites, I am working on the layout of the website. I am working on making the website as neat and easy to use as possible. My theme for the website is white and plain, and with that I am adding pictures to make them pop. This will draw the attention of the viewer to bright and popping sections, pictures, and videos. 
After I finalize my website, I will embed my blog URL and will post my first post explaining what this website is and how it may help my viewers. I will also upload my first video. I might upload the video to the website, but I will be using the blogger as a my journal for fashion trends I see and like. I’m going to make my first video on what to wear for this warm, but still cold weather. I think this idea is perfect for the first video because its easy for the viewers to connect with and I think it will give off my sense of style and what I am like. ←- 5 important and helpful tips when creating a fashion websites, whats in and what is too mainstream (website I viewed)